Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm still alive :)

Hey!!! How has everyone been? I am so sorry I havn't posted or kept anyone up to date lately. Life has been strange. I have been busy and when I'm not busy I am really tired!!!! All the time!!!

Well everything with Tucker is going fantastic. Other than my mom that is...she is causing all kinds of drama....and stupid stuff too, like over the clothes we have bought him while he's been stuck up there...she won't give them back...and she has a dresser taller and wider than me up there FULL of his clothes...but claims she just has no time to go through them....makes me wonder cuz if she duz his laundry, she folds it and puts it away, why not fold it and seperate it??? I mean she is going to have to eventually!

Avon is kind of in a slump right now. I have gotten 3 laundry mats around town to let me place brochures inside the business. I am going today to check on them and see if I need to place a few more. I've only got 1 order for this campaign, which makes me really sad. But it's from family and I know she is doing what she can to help. Hopefully tonight will be a little better. I plan to also go knock on a few doors today. I hate doing that, but I really need to work a little harder on this. Everyone says I have been pushin it pretty far, but I need to. I mean, I don't have any cash to pay for my schooling and as of today, my payment is late...ugh.

I found a lady who is blogging about her Avon experience for 1 year and it has truly inspired that is where my motivation comes from today....

Well everyone. I'm off to work :) be sure to check out my Avon store. We have some good specials going on!!!


  1. DJan said...
    It's great to hear how you're doing, Amber. I was wondering. I placed an order, and I really like the cream, so I will be getting another one, but not any time soon. Glad you found someone who is blogging about their Avon experience, it should really help. I'm thinking about you, and sending you positive energy.
    Leave a Legacy said...
    I've been thinking about you. So glad to hear everything going well with Tucker. So sorry to hear how you're mother is being with you. That breaks my heart. What about putting some Avon books in beauty shops? I know when I'm at the beauty shop I always look through Avon books if they're sitting there? So does my mother and a lot of women I know. Or what about an Avon party. You or a friend could host, invite some women over and have some drinks and light snacks. Women just like the idea of getting together and talking and then they will always find something they want. Just some ideas I was thinking of.

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