Saturday, July 18, 2009

A good evening for a change...

Tonight turned out pretty good. In fact, most of the day turned out pretty good.

Nate had to get up and go into work this morning, like every Saturday morning...But it was raining and so he didn't even do much. He came home for a lunch at 10:30 this morning and then went back a little later...I guess the forklift they needed to load 4 trucks screwed up. The engine locked up and the company in town that rents em out didn't have any available, so he basically got 5 hours for doing nothing today....That's always a relief haha.

When he got off work early this afternoon we ended up just laying in bed and taking a nap, till 4.... Then we got up and continued to do nothing. I cut my hair this morning, really all I did was gave myself bangs. I was really nervous about it, but it turned out alright, so I'm happy with them.

We let Bowser (our ferret) out to play for about an hour this afternoon. He loved it. I usually ferret proof the upstairs (closing all the doors to the bedrooms, closing the baby gate & making sure he can't get behind the couches) and let him out to play while I clean out his cage. He loves to chase us around the house, it's halerious. He also likes to play with the kitty toys...we took a box we had for our 4 foot christmas tree and taped it up and cut out the ends to give him a little tube, he played in there alot....

Then dad called, he was coming to town for a friends wedding reception and invited us to go with him, so we went. I guess he got a new job driving truck...yet again, but he said that he might stay with us a few nights a week....probably starting next week or so. That's nice. I don't see my dad very much so it makes me happy knowing that he will be around a little more, esecially when the baby is born...Maybe he might be here when I go into labor... I guess he is going to call us in the morning and take us out to breakfast, then we will head over to his place (45 min away) and get a deep freeze he wants us to have....

Well that's really all I have to say tonight. G'night ya'll!!!!

1 Comment:

  1. Lillian Robinson said...
    It's nice to have a freezer! Take advantage of the sales. We freeze a lot of our own vegetables. I think they taste better than canning them.

    Glad you had a good day!

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