Friday, July 17, 2009

Just thinking...

Hey everyone. How are you all doing? I'm alright for the most part...

This next week is going to be pretty hard. Our whole check is gone due to child support & bills...Luckily we have enough groceries left over that we will be able to eat...but there aint really any meals...

Avon is going alright, I need more customers...really bad. I have to pay $100 for my first campaign (due to just ordering promotional and personal items) and it looks like we may have to pay for the 2nd campaign out of our pocket too. I won't know yet of course till next Friday when I deliver the products to my customers and get their payments.

Luckily my District Manager has been in Philly all week at training sessions and what not. She will be back on Monday and we will be sitting down and doing some different things to figure out how to build my buisiness & maybe (hopefully) gain more customers. And my avon site is finally up and running right... (so you should deffinatly check it out & possibly make an order!!!)

I havn't even done anything with my crafts lately...I've really been slacking on so much...including the nursery...My mother in law came over today and we shampoo'd the carpet in there, but that's pretty much it. I am wanting to get the wall paper off the walls tonight, so maybe I can start painting soon...

My schooling is going well...I spoke with my academic advisor and let him know everything that was going on with my internet and whatnot....He gave me a weeks extension on 2 of my courses, and 1 was still due (yesterday) at the same time. Luckily I passed the whole course with a B. He said the only reason he gave me the opportunity was because he understood everything I was going through and being that my internet was a HUGE problem with my schooling & the fact that I have great grades (straight A's with that 1 B)....he knew I was trying really hard. I was totally stoked becuase it's in the school handbook that they won't even consider any extensions with any courses....I didn't even ask...He just gave it to me. I was so relived. The only problem is now that I am stuck in my Pre-Algebra course (I am doing a High School Diploma Program through Kaplan University in Florida)....I am so worried becuase it is so advanced my husband (who is a genious in math) can't even help me anymore....

We have court next week over Tucker, I'm so nervous & stressed over it... I honestly don't know what to expect...between court and avon....I'm stressed to the max over everything. Ugh....I just want next week to be over with so I can be done with this step in life and get on with the next one...

1 Comment:

  1. Lillian Robinson said...
    I'll be praying for your court hearing. Hopefully everything will go your way.

    I remember eating noodles everyday for long stretches when my daughter was a baby. You'll find that there are lots of things you can live without when money is tight. I didn't even have a phone. There was a pay phone close by if I absolutely needed to call someone. We didn't have a TV either. Just the necessities. But we did have a really good life!

    It takes a lot of time and work to make a business grow. You've only just started, so be patient. If you put forth the effort, it will grow.

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